Understanding The Process

How Can We Help

Client Consultation

Client Consultation

We will typically visit the proposed project site with you, allowing us to introduce ourselves and go through the standard process of commencing a project, the relevant legislation, and expected timelines. This is also an opportunity for us to conduct an initial analysis and assessment of the site and/or building. If you have any initial ideas or thoughts about the project or specific requirements, we will discuss these with you and propose potential alternatives that you may not have considered.

Following the initial visit, we will create a letter that outlines the fundamental requirements of the project and summarises any discussions we’ve had. This letter will also include a fee proposal for our services at various stages of the project, giving you the option to select the appropriate level of service.

For all projects, it is imperative to conduct a precise survey of the site and any existing structures to facilitate the creation of architectural plans and elevations. In the case of extensions and internal renovations, we can typically manage the surveying process and generate the existing drawings in-house. However, for more extensive projects or new sites, we strongly recommend engaging a professional surveying company to carry out these tasks..


Site Survey


Site Survey

For all projects there needs to be an accurate survey of the site and any existing buildings to enable the plans and elevations to be drawn. For extensions and internal remodeling, we can generally undertake the survey and produce the existing drawings ourselves, however for larger projects or new sites we recommend that a professional surveying company is appointed for these works.


Design Development

Once we have either an accurate site plan or existing building plan to work with, we will start developing ideas for the project. These are normally a combination of sketch drawings including plans, elevations and perspectives which enable us to analyse the project to develop the best solution for you.

We will normally run through a series of options with you to get your input and see which option (or combination of options) will suit you best. Once the direction of the design has been decided we will work up the scheme in more detail, normally utilising 3D computer aided design (CAD) software. This enables us to produce coordinated drawings which provide accurate visuals of your project that will allow you to better understand the spaces within the building.

When these drawings have been completed, we will present these to you and receive any final comments before preparing a final pack of design drawings for you.

For most projects, Planning Permission will be required from the local Planning Authority, confirming that the proposed development can legally proceed. There are some small projects that do not require permission, which are considered Permitted Developments.

Following discussions with the local Planning Authority we can arrange for the relevant drawings, visuals, and ‘design and access statements’ to be collated with the application forms and submitted.


Planning Permission


Planning Permission

For most projects, Planning Permission will be required from the local Planning Authority, confirming that the proposed development can legally proceed. There are some small projects that do not require permission, which are considered Permitted Developments.

Following discussions with the local Planning Authority we can arrange for the relevant drawings, visuals, and ‘design and access statements’ to be collated with the application forms and submitted.


Building Standards

For the majority of projects Building Regulations approval will also be required, to ensure that the project meets the minimum construction standards, including structure, lighting, ventilation, and energy use.

We advise that you should wait until planning permission has been granted before undertaking this stage to avoid abortive work.

During this stage we develop our drawings adding additional technical information and liaise with the Structural Engineer and Services Consultants to collate the Building Regulations application.

Tender Action: During this stage the last elements of the project are finalised, including colours and materials. Once this is completed, we will produce a complete set of drawings and specifications, that are sufficient for a builder to review and provide a detailed price for undertaking the construction of your project.

If required we can work with you to manage the tender process, arranging for a few builders to price the job, interview them and review their prices and relevant experience.

Contract Administration: We can also administer the building contract, through to the completion of the project. This involves holding meetings with the design team and builders, responding to queries, reviewing the onsite works and certifying payments.





Tender Action: During this stage the last elements of the project are finalised, including colours and materials. Once this is completed, we will produce a complete set of drawings and specifications, that are sufficient for a builder to review and provide a detailed price for undertaking the construction of your project.

If required we can work with you to manage the tender process, arranging for a few builders to price the job, interview them and review their prices and relevant experience.

Contract Administration: We can also administer the building contract, through to the completion of the project. This involves holding meetings with the design team and builders, responding to queries, reviewing the onsite works and certifying payments.